Part Time Job Options You May Actually Like
There comes a time in life where we must buckle down and get to work at the dreaded part time job. We have all witnessed someone working minimum wage job and rarely does anyone like it; they mope and drag their heels while waiting so anxiously for the money to come in. People value instant rather than long term rewards and so this reaction isn’t surprising, especially while working at a McDonald’s counter. A first job is a major stepping stone in a person’s life and shouldn’t have to be so grueling. Here are some job options that are a little more rewarding.
For the Introvert
The most visible minimum wage jobs involve some form of customer service, but for some people speaking to strangers all day isn’t exactly natural. For anyone in this position there are still jobs that can be comfortable for you and your needs. Working in a warehouse is a great option. In a warehouse, unlike in customer service, there is a constant flow of work to do and your mind as well as your body is active with each task you perform, best of all, you don’t really need to speak to anyone. You’ll be given tasks and from there you are very much independent, but still can talk to and collaborate with coworkers if you’d like.
Another option for introverts are online jobs. A teen can find anything from paid surveys to freelance writing and proofreading. A lot of companies and even online magazines look for people to write blurbs for websites or ask for submitted original written pieces about anything under the sun. For example, Rookie-an online feminist magazine- accept freelance writing based on their theme and/or listed topics and pay you if they decide to publish your works. A creativity and skill is required for this position and there are never guarantees on consistency in pay. If you have a tight schedule or really are not set on going out for work than an online job could be a suitable option but if not I recommend looking for something else.
For the Fun Loving
An important thing to know is that high energy people need high energy jobs. A slow work setting drags them down and doesn’t use their strengths as an advantage. Peppy people need to find something that can add even more spring to their step. There are so many options for people that like to have and bring fun to an environment and can really be assets to the right position. Animal people have an array of options that people often don’t think about. There are positions at daycares for pets, vets or animal shelters, pet stores and training centres, or you can even get a gig as a dog walker. If leadership is more your thing, you could try being a camp councilor and with that you could even live away from home for the summer. Kids love a silly and happy older figure, if that sounds like you don’t hesitate to really be someone’s idol while also making great friends.
Lively people do cool things and a lot of them have killer social media accounts as they capture every moment of it. If you happen to be one of these people it would be needed at more interesting positions such as a social media assistant. Companies realize the importance of having a media presence but often times do not have the time to seriously take part in the network, so they outsource to people like you who can help. Energetic people brighten the mood of the whole work place so don’t be afraid to embrace that aspect of yourself to your employers.
For the people person
So many industries need people that like people and so there are numerous options that they can choose from. A favourite among teenage girls are dessert shops; they have a certain aesthetic they can’t resist and a very friendly atmosphere that is perfect for a workforce newby. Another great option that is not often considered is working at a farmers’ market. Everyone is extremely friendly, the food and flowers are incredible and you get paid in cash. What could be better? Of course it is only once a week but at many markets if you work a full day without being taxed, you make just as much as if you worked part time a few times a week. Tour guides also make a pretty penny and you get to engage with people from around the world. You even get to learn about the city you live in and can wow your history teacher once you’re done training.
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